(503) 654-0613


11080 SE Oak Street

Milwaukie, OR 97222


Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is enjoying immense popularity in today’s time and age. Many adults, as well as teenagers, are seeking cosmetic dental procedures like Invisalign and teeth whitening. This can be attributed to increased aesthetic concerns and a better awareness of one’s oral health.

One might think that cosmetic dental procedures only serve to enhance facial aesthetics. This cannot be farther from the truth. Cosmetic dental procedures like crowns, implants, or Invisalign have oral health benefits that go beyond aesthetics. Our exceptionally trained staff at Bolouri Dental Group have led hundreds of patients on their journey to a beautiful smile and a healthy mouth through cosmetic dental procedures and continue to do so each day.

If you are wondering what cosmetic dentistry entails and why you should opt for it, keep reading ahead as we shed light on the benefits of these

What Comes Under Cosmetic Dentistry?

At Bolouri Dental Group, we provide our patients with a wide range of cosmetic dental procedures which allow for desired aesthetic and better function.  

Teeth whitening 

Poor oral hygiene, habits like smoking, caffeine, and even aging affect your teeth. As a result, your pearly whites tend to become discolored and lose their shine with time. You may smile less often, which affects your personal, social and professional life. If your discolored teeth are keeping you away from enjoying your life, then schedule an appointment with us today and rediscover your stunning smile with our teeth whitening treatments. 

Teeth whitening treatments provided by our staff will allow you to experience up to eight shades lighter teeth in just one visit. Hydrogen peroxide, used as an active ingredient, is applied to the teeth and then exposed to UV light. The UV light enables the active agent to penetrate the tooth structure and dissolve external stains and impurities to reveal a brighter and whiter smile.  


Dental veneers

Dental veneers are wafer-thin, tooth-colored shells that fit on the front surface of your teeth. Dental veneers are versatile and treat a variety of dental problems. Dental veneers are just what you need, whether you have a broken tooth or heavily discolored teeth. Dental veneers not only enhance your smile but can also be used to close small gaps between two teeth. In addition, veneers seamlessly correct misshapen teeth’ shape, size, and form to ensure better function. Dental veneers provided by our experienced and board-certified cosmetic dentist look elegantly natural and restore your smile to its full glory. So, why wait? Schedule an appointment at Bolouri Dental Group today to rediscover your smile. 


Invisalign is a novel orthodontic treatment method that helps straighten misaligned and crooked teeth without the hassle of metal braces. Yes, you read that right. You can now achieve a perfectly aligned smile without having to go through the ordeal of traditional braces. Invisalign uses sets of clear aligners that are periodically changed to bring your teeth in their proper position. With our advanced computing technology, you will be able to appreciate how your teeth will look post-treatment on the first visit itself. 

Having perfectly aligned teeth will enhance your smile and better your oral functions. Well-aligned teeth aid in better chewing, which contributes to better digestion. Your teeth and tongue position heavily influence the way you enunciate. Correcting dental misalignments also improves speech. Crooked and crowded teeth are difficult to keep clean as oral hygiene aids cannot reach crevices, leading to plaque accumulation. This further causes dental cavities and gum diseases. Invisalign treatment ensures this does not happen by correcting dental misalignment. You will be able to maintain better oral hygiene, which will help prevent oral diseases and contribute to better oral and overall health. 

Invisalign treatment can last anywhere from 6 to 18 months, depending on individual cases. Visit Bolouri Dental Group and consult our Invisalign dentist today to learn more about your specific situation.  

Dental implants

Do you have missing teeth but do not wish to opt for traditional dentures? Well, we have the perfect solution – Dental Implants! 

Dental implants offer the most elegant and superior solution to missing teeth. Dental implants will restore lost function and rejuvenate your smile, whether you have a single missing tooth or several missing teeth. Dental implants are screw-shaped surgical fixtures placed inside your jawbone via a tiny incision on the gums. Our trained specialists carry the entire procedure under local anesthesia to ensure a comfortable dental experience. Dental implants take around six months to become one with the jawbone, which acts like a natural tooth root that creates a foundation for placing dental crowns, bridges, and dentures. Once placed and healed, implants look just like a natural tooth.

Dental implants stop the jawbone from deteriorating after tooth loss and maintain facial proportions. In addition, implants complete your smile and reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, which enhances facial aesthetics.

Dental implants can sustain higher chewing forces than dentures, which means you will have better digestion and can enjoy all your favorite foods without restrictions. In addition, dental implants are fixed and easy to maintain. Just brush and floss like you usually do; no extra care is needed. So, why wait? Enjoy your life to the fullest with dental implants! Please schedule an appointment with us today and get on your journey to better oral and overall health.  

Dental Crowns And Bridges 

A dental crown is a cap that fits over a damaged tooth and protects it from further harm. In addition, it restores the shape, size, strength, and function of a decayed and damaged tooth, which aids in restoring normal function. Porcelain dental crowns ensure superior aesthetics as they are made to match your natural teeth shade. 

Dental bridges are a fixed tooth replacement option. A false tooth is suspended in the missing tooth area with the support of dental crowns on the adjacent teeth. Dental bridges not only enhance aesthetics but returns normal chewing and speech. 

If you are ready to get started on your journey to a flawless smile and exceptional oral health, visit us at Bolouri Dental Group today. If you have any questions or want to know more about our services, please reach out to us. Our team of exceptional and friendly dental professionals is here to assist you. 

Why is visiting the dentist so important?

Visiting the dentist regularly will not only help keep your teeth and mouth healthy, but will also help keep the rest of your body healthy. Dental care is important because it:

  • Helps prevent tooth decay
  • Protects against periodontal (gum) disease, which can lead to tooth and bone loss
  • Prevents bad breath – brushing, flossing, and seeing the dentist regularly will help reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth that causes bad breath